Rollins, J. B;Chiang, Baochai. Dialectical Narrative Strategy and the “Angel of History” in Two Early Stories by Huang Chun-ming. Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 2012.9, p.113- p.137. (A&HCI)
Chiang, Baochai;Rollins, J.B.;Wang, Jing. Cultural Self-Translation and Chinese Globalization: Eileen Chang's Yuan nü and The Rouge of the North. 香港翻譯學會《翻譯季刊》第53、54期,2009.12,頁73-92.
Chiang, Baochai;Rollins, J. B. Needs Deprivation and the Pre-Oedipal Mother in Li Ang's The Butcher's Wife. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 36(3), 2009.9, p256-p273。
Chiang, Baochai;J. B. Rollins. Stories of Taiwanese Women by Tzeng Ching-wen. World Literature Today, 9, 2007,p72-p73.(A&HCI)
Pao-Chai Chiang、Hui-Chen Fang. Linking innovation to cultural product design: An empirical study of Alishan Tsou tribe in Taiwan. Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Management Science and Information Engineering (AMSIE2014) , Hongkong, 2014. MOST 102-2420-H-194-004. 【EI】.
Rollins Bart. Eileen Chang and the Chinese Diaspora: Re-Defining Chineseness. Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. Oxford, UK, 2011.9,p.1-p.22
Rollins Bart. The Murdering Woman in a Chinese/Taiwanese Cultural Context: Li Ang's The Butcher's Wife.Literary Representations of Women Who Murder. New York, 2010.9,p.115-p142.
江寶釵 (2018, Sep). Construction of Object, Place and Taiwan Consciousness: Discussing Tzeng Ching-wen’s “Magnolia”. Taiwan in the Globalized World: The Relevance of Taiwan Studies to the Social Sciences and Humanities, 台北南港中央研究院。
江寶釵、J B Rollins (2018, Jul). Politically-Activated Alterations in Aesthetic Response to Taiwanese Eight-View Poetry from a Postcolonial Perspective. Literature 2018 (ICL), 馬來西亞。
江寶釵 (2017, Oct). The Ways for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples to Return Home. International conference on multiculturality and indigenous cultural writings in Taiwan.
江寶釵、羅德仁 (2017, Jun). Representations of Indigenous Literature and Culture: Assessing the Implications of Post-Colonialism and Sinology. 華語語系‧台灣:2017華語語系研究國際學術研討會
江寶釵、 J.B. Rollins (2016, Oct). Cultural Reductionism & Identity Subversion in English Translations of Taiwanese Literature . 5th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation & Intercultural Studies .
江寶釵 (2012, Jun). Chinese Writers in Exile: Eileen Chang and Gao Xingjian. . Fifth Global Conference on Diasporas, Exploring Critical Issues. , 英國:Mansfield College, Oxford University (UK).
江寶釵 (2012, Mar). Reality and Imagination in Eileen Chang’s Writing on the Foreign. 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, 美國.
江寶釵 (2011, Jan). Hsia Yu's Postmodern Polyglot Poetry.. Presented at the 126th MLA Annual Convention, Los Angeles, California, USA.
江寶釵、J. B. Rollins (2006, May). Cross-Cultural Reading and English Translations of Tzeng Ching-wen. 第二屆經典人物-鄭清文國際學術研討會,嘉義:國立中正大學臺灣文學研究所、灣文學館籌備處、教育部主辦,加拿大亞伯達大學東亞系合辦,2006.05.27-28。.